Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Marisa and Kids Come to Visit

Marisa and her kids will be here for a week. It is so fun to see them. Today I brought Ezra over and we all got to Skype with Shan in the morning. Here are some pictures of the girls doing a puzzle.

Ezra has been on a Finding Nemo kick and constantly asks to watch it. He remembers the shark's teeth and will say, "Oh Nemo! Oh teeth!" and point to his teeth.


A.Jean said...

Great teaser pix. I know you'll be busy with the visitors, so I'm counting on your pix to keep me in touch. Those are two gorgeous little girls. Jean

Peggy said...

Fantastic shots Jade. Love them. Didn't even know you were taking them.


Chelsea said...

Love it! Ezra is such a scream with his "oh this" "oh that." The pictures of the girls are darling.