Friday, October 23, 2009

sneaky recyclers

Last night David and I decided to sleep downstairs. We had just turned out the lights when we saw movement on the sidewalk in front of our house. We watched as these two girls dumped their boxes of recycling into our container. I kept giggling, just watching them sneak around, looking everywhere, like they were doing some super naughty thing. We thought of horrible ways to scare them (i.e. David could go screaming out in his underwear). I sometimes like to think of really awful things that I'd never actually do. Anyway, I think I'm going to bring them some cookies (we watched them walk back to their house across the street) and tell them they can use the empty space in our container anytime. We are the only ones within a few blocks that have a bin and we hardly fill it up anyway. I've been laughing all day thinking about it, mostly because I've definitely done stuff like that before. I know Chelsea has too. Hey Chelsea, want to share your Einstein Bagels story?


A.Jean said...

This is sooo beautiful. I want David to be in the backgound videoing or taking pix of some sort to document the look on their faces. YES, bring cookies or something. Maybe just have Ezra deliver them. I love your idea of letting them know you're wise to their antics, but reasonable. And, I do want to hear Chelsea's story. Come on Chel's, if for no other reason, put a smile on an old ladies face.

Marissa said...

that made me giggle :)

Chelsea said...

Hahahaha! I love recycling as a naughty it could ever be in the category of morally wrong. Somehow, these girls pulled it off.

Jade, I will THINK about whether to post my Einstein Bagels story on the blog. I think I may even have a picture to go with it.