Thursday, August 12, 2010


Ezra loves the pool. He has always loved water but he has been especially excited lately because he's been learning how to swim. Today for the first time he learned (taught himself) how to doggie paddle, take a breath, doggie paddle some more, etc. He swam across the pool by himself. But when I tried to take a video of it, we were so focused on the video part of things that we kind of left Ezra hanging and he got a mouthful of water and then got scared. I felt so bad! And um, erased the video because I swore and we look like horrible parents and it's less like, "Look who's swimming" and more like, "Look who can't swim quite yet, even though his parents think he can and forced him to try it for the video camera." Here are some pictures before the incident.


Chelsea said...

Niiiice, Jade. Ahaha! I wish I could have seen that video.

Wow Ezra, you keep blowing me away with your skills!

Peggy said...

Lucky!!!!!! To have daily access to such a beautiful pool. Good job in apt. selection. Those boys will be swimmers (barring too many more video incidents...hehe) in no time.