Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ezra's 5th and Eli's 3rd Birthdays

The boys' birthdays were today (the boys' birthday was today? I'm still not sure on the grammar - they each have a birthday but it is only one day. Someone help me please.) Their neighborhood friends came over and it turned out really well.

The kids came in the morning about an hour early to do yard work and help decorate. And then after the party they stayed to help clean everything up (including mopping). They are good kids and now that I have experienced a party like this, it's going to be hard to not expect something like that for future parties ("You're invited to Ezra's 6th Birthday! Please come an hour earlier to help set everything up and plan on staying until the mess is gone.")

I'm going to add more to this post tomorrow but I need to go to bed now.


A.Jean said...

Jade, thx for the pictoral. What a great time for the boys. So glad you have lots of pix for the boys in years to come. What an experience. Happy Birthday boys. Love from the NW.

Peggy said...

I LOVE the "Lao Way" of assisting at a birthday party. Let's get that going here. Then again it might go over like a lead party balloon...
The boys look pretty happy and who wouldn't be with cakes like those? Give them birthday squeezes from Mimi and Papa.

Chelsea said...

Happy birthday to my sweet nephews! Henry loved looking at these pictures and was disappointed not to have participated in this fun. Love the kids, decorations, and the fact that they mopped up after. Perfect! And that picture of the boys with their cakes is fantastic.

Marisa said...

LOVE the work party crew- What sweet kids. And were you stomping on the balloons until they popped? I was just thinking of Ezra and if he liked it or if he was hiding in a corner somewhere? At that age, Ryan would have been hiding for sure. Love the birthday picture with the cakes!